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Agent Based Modelling

A service we provide to the academe using simulations and agent based modelling. This allows a clearer representation of theories and concepts through 3D simulations.

The Need:

  • Visualize for the academe community the effects of the 2 kinds of entrepreneurs in society under the Schumpeterian and Kriznerian theories.

  • Allow academe community to critic and test the theories and findings.

  • Our Solutions:

  • Create a simulation using agent based modelling to show the interaction between the 2 types of entrepreneurs.

  • Create a control panel where-in testers can control variables and make better testing.

  • Create guidelines and parameters for each agents based on the theories.

  • Clients Response:

  • “I demoed our simulation in Dimo Dimov’s process PDW. It was very well received, and it is obvious that such a graphical representation of theory triggers a lot of thought and discussion.”

  • “Overall, I was very happy with what you produced. I especially liked that you made yourselves part of the project and suggested solutions and extensions along the way. I was a systems developer in my previous career, and I know how rare this quality is. And even though I’m good with systems and systems design, I’m still an ignorant customer – and I benefit a lot from working with experts who do not only deliver what I ask for but also attempt to contribute to the end goals of the project as a whole.”

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